The need for quality talent never ends. New growth, new product lines, a changing marketplace: these all drive the need for new talent. 

But even the best organizations struggle to find and attract top talent. They just don't have the resources, time or expertise to properly develop and support their talent acquisition departments. And that’s OK, because businesses should focus on being the best in their industry, not on figuring out how to source and acquire talent. 

As talent acquisition grows more complex, so do the tools, tactics, and strategies to illuminate top talent. To master it all and find the right people for your organization, you need the help of dedicated talent acquisition experts. Recruitment Process Outsourcing, or RPO, provides precisely that. 

RPO helps organizations excel in this new age of talent acquisition. An RPO provider and its recruiters develop a deep understanding of a partner’s business. Building on this understanding, a good RPO provider will then implement transformative recruitment methods combined with expert industry knowledge to optimize the talent strategy and deliver rapid business impact. 

“Outsourcing” has many connotations, many of which are less than positive. But RPO is not offshoring, nor does it involve delegating any and all responsibility for a function. 

You should choose an RPO recruiting provider like any business partner – review their offerings and perform due diligence to ensure the relationship will benefit your whole organization. Then, choose the provider that best matches your organization’s culture.  

RPO is a partnership between two organizations built on mutual trust and shared goals strengthened through transparency, collaboration, and strong results. 

To support your RPO recruitment journey, let’s start by answering fundamental questions like “What is an RPO provider?” and more:  

What is Recruitment Process Outsourcing? 

RPO Definitions 

The RPO industry is constantly evolving, so there's a lot of debate about what RPO is. So, what is RPO recruitment? And, by extension, what is an RPO provider? Here are some helpful definitions from industry analysts:

Aberdeen Group  
“Outsourcing one or more elements of the recruiting process. These elements can include but are not limited to: sourcing and job advertising, screening, testing/assessments, interviewing and selection, background verification, drug testing, offer extension, onboarding, and orientation."

Everest Group
“Transfer of ownership of all or part of recruitment processes or activities on an ongoing basis."

HRO Today Services and Technology Association
“Recruitment Process Outsourcing is a form of business process outsourcing (BPO) where an employer transfers all or part of its recruitment processes to an external service provider. An RPO provider can provide its own or may assume the company’s staff, technology, methodologies, and reporting. In all cases, RPO recruiting differs greatly from providers such as staffing companies and contingent/retained search providers in that it assumes ownership of the design and management of the recruitment process and the responsibility of results."

At Cielo, partnership is an essential part of the equation:  
“Partnering with an expert to design and execute a customized recruitment strategy that delivers exceptional business results. Working together and seamlessly to transform your organization’s approach to talent acquisition.” 

This partnership aspect is often lost in other definitions. When people see the words "outsourcing" or "recruitment," they tend to think of temporary staffing agencies or offshore call centers. But neither of these is reflective of true RPO. To Cielo, an RPO recruitment partnership means living and breathing a company's values and ambitions.  

What RPO recruiting is not

Many apply the term “RPO” to other unrelated services, so let's talk about what RPO recruiting definitely isn't. RPO is:

NOT a short-term solution or a quick fix.  

RPO providers aren't selling magic beans, and they can't solve your problems overnight. True RPO is a transformative process that requires time and effort to drive results. That said, Project RPO can provide high-quality results in very short and very strict timelines. 

NOT a temporary staffing service.  

RPO providers fill full-time positions. Many do offer Contingent Workforce solutions, but RPO providers never fill solely temporary or contract-only roles

NOT just a consulting or training service.  

While your RPO provider will be consultative throughout your partnership and may offer talent acquisition Consulting solutions, the scope of RPO is much larger and more hands-on. 

NOT resource augmentation.  

Don't look for RPO if you just need to add “a team member or two”. It's a transformative partnership between your provider and your organization. 

NOT for one-off hires.  

RPO recruitment solutions require minimum volumes to guarantee a strong ROI. Providers have the expertise to acquire talent at all levels.

The evolution of RPO 

The consistent success of RPO recruiting throughout its relatively brief history is partly thanks to its adaptability to global conditions. The initial phase – RPO 1.0 – saw rapid growth as RPO companies met key needs for buyers around direct and measurable benefits like cost reduction and process efficiency. RPO 2.0 featured a holistic approach that considered more nuanced and granular aspects of cost and business impact. RPO 3.0 offered strategic value creation for businesses on top of continuing to deliver on the benefits of earlier phases. 

Now, with RPO providers and the market having both matured, the industry has entered a new phase – RPO 4.0 – that provides cutting-edge technology and advanced solutions to enable more effective, efficient hiring in even in a rapidly changing environment. 

RPO recruiting: A guiding light 

RPO recruitment is a powerful solution for your organization to find the best people. Whatever your industry or goals, an RPO partnership will transform your company’s ability to attract, recruit and retain world-class talent.