The choice for employees to work from where they prefer and a rise in workers feeling empowered to demand this flexibility is here to stay. The change in work habits brought about by the pandemic has the potential to create a true paradigm shift in the perception of how and where work must be carried out. To answer this continuing debate, we commissioned in-depth research that shines a light on the remote working landscape across EMEA and APAC and the evolving implications of such change for businesses and talent acquisition leaders.

In this report we look at:

  • Remote working trends across key locations in EMEA and APAC
  • Countries, industries and key companies using remote working to gain competitive advantage
  • Case studies of successful long-term accommodation of remote working

The report deduces that if viewed as an opportunity, accommodation of remote (and flexible) working has the potential to:

  • Significantly increase the talent pool
  • Improve the diversity of new hires
  • Fill skills gaps
  • Reduce attrition
  • Reduce impact on the environment
  • Enable organizations to meet their business goals

While the potential for change that has been driven by global remote working is vast, we do not underestimate the challenges for HR and Talent Acquisition. Our remote working research report provides recommendations on how talent acquisition leaders and businesses can realize these opportunities to meet their talent acquisition goals. Download it now!

The cover and contents of the research report

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The benefits of remote working on talent acquisition