Talent is transformative

And you can transform the way you find talent

Talent is a critical competitive differentiator. That is why business leaders around the world continue to view finding and keeping great talent a top priority. They know strategy and tactics can be replicated, but people are unique. When you understand the bottom-line impact of talent, you know how important it is to identify the best approach to talent acquisition.

This report presents multiple approaches an organization can take to transform talent acquisition from a routine function to a strategic differentiator. Use it to rate your recruiting capabilities and find out if you have the people, processes and technology to optimize the search for great talent.

Cielo’s Strategic Guide to Talent Acquisition Models offers a high-level exploration of the features and benefits of five different approaches:

  • Enterprise RPO
  • Hybrid RPO
  • High-Volume RPO
  • Total Talent Acquisition
  • In-House Recruitment

Find the model that most closely fits your needs. See how each approach impacts critical elements of the talent acquisition process, including:

  • Candidate Quality
  • Candidate and Hiring Manager Experience
  • Employer Brand
  • Innovation
  • Technology
  • Scalability
  • Talent Analytics
  • Cost

Are talent goals best met by building an internal team, outsourcing complex functions to an external expert while keeping others in-house, or wholly investing in an RPO partnership?

Download your complimentary copy of this in-depth report to find out more.

Cover of the report

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Strategic guide to talent acquisition models