By: Christian Scandella

Latin America is a rapidly growing market, one that is slowly adopting the standardization that the global market requires, while still remaining a vast and highly complex region that calls for flexible and customized approaches.

Understanding the region

In order to understand talent acquisition in LATAM, it is essential to first know the region itself. It’s easy to think of Latin America as one single unit, but in reality it is a group of more than 20 countries, working in 3 different languages, with all the nuances that entails.

It may sound daunting to organizations with headquarters in other regions to think about how to put together a region-wide talent acquisition structure in Latin America. But not doing so could lead to costly solutions, such as a heavy reliance on third-party local contractors. Getting to know each country’s traditional business practices is key, and will make it easier to start thinking about redefining talent acquisition for the region.

In a recent webinar, “How RPO Works in Latin America,” we shared with listeners how Latin America works, and whether RPO is a good fit for your organization. Key takeaways include:

  • Market considerations for the largest economies in the region
  • Market trends
  • Advice on how to ensure the best results from local teams
  • Guidance to evaluate whether RPO will work for your organization

However familiar, or unfamiliar, your organization is with RPO, understanding Latin America’s dynamics is the first step toward transforming your recruitment processes.

About the expert

Christian Scandella

Former Senior Vice President – Cielo, Latin America

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