Version: August 2024

Policy on Prevention of Sexual Harassment (PoSH) of Women in the Workplace (India)


Cielo has zero tolerance for any form of sexual harassment in the Workplace. Persons found to be perpetrating sexual harassment at the workplace shall be dealt with strictly, in accordance with the company policy and law, and may even face disciplinary action and penalties as per the India POSH policy. If you have any concerns relating to employee behavior or potential situations that may be construed as a form of harassment, please urgently reach out to one of the internal committee members.

Committee members

1. Presiding Officer
Jess Taha, Director Talent Management
(+44) 75 4876 5469

2. Member 1
Parul Malik, Client Services Manager
(+91) 99 9931 0091

3. Member 2
Sheena Mahana, Client Services Manager
(+91) 98 1835 5684

4. Member 3
Shailesh Singh, Director – Business Development
(+91) 98 7390 1899

5. External Member
Dr. Devika Singh, External Member
(+91) 98 1896 0361

Full policy

Please refer to Cielo India PoSH policy for understanding policy & procedure, which you can download here.