Privacy & legal

Public notices

At Cielo, we are committed to safeguarding the privacy and security of our clients, employees and the data we own and process. This page provides you with important information regarding how we handle certain data and situations.

All notices

Privacy Notice & Cookies Policy

This Notice explains how Cielo collects, uses and safeguards personal information when visiting this site and contacting Cielo.

Read the notice

Candidate Privacy Notice

This Notice explains how and why your personal data will be used specifically for recruitment (whether as an employee, worker or contractor).

Read the notice

Recruitment Fraud Notice

Online recruitment scams have increased in frequency recently. Understanding Cielo's recruitment process can help you identify potential fraud.

Read the notice

Modern Slavery Act Statement

We are committed to taking all appropriate steps to combat slavery and human trafficking in the workplace.

Read our statement

PoSH Policy

Cielo has zero tolerance for any form of sexual harassment in the workplace. If you have any concerns, reach out to one of the internal committee members.

Read the policy
Two people working at a table

Trust Center

The Trust Center provides you with the information and assurance you need to feel confident in our ability to protect your data.