By: Luke Parry

We all know the importance of employer branding in hiring top talent. But did you know personal branding also plays a role?

A personal brand is a declaration of who you are and your values – and it also influences why people should choose a company over the competition. While your brand should relate to the business and what it stands for, they shouldn’t be the same.

At a Cielo workshop in Singapore, in partnership with EGN Singapore, about 60 talent acquisition leaders shared their thoughts on why business leaders should be intentional with their personal branding. Key speakers included Luke Parry, Director – Consulting EMEA and APAC, Cielo; Daniel Tan, Principal, Head of Asia, Permira; and Lennard Yong, former CEO, Permira.

Let’s explore some key takeaways from the discussion, including best practices to keep in mind:

Importance of personal branding

Intangible assets, such as reputation, culture and data, are critical in the valuation of businesses in today’s world – making up 90% of a company’s market value. Reputation is more than just telling the world about yourself – it’s getting other people to do that for you. To successfully do this, you need to be a highly visible leader, lead by example, gain insights from the ground, and collaborate with the relevant teams and stakeholders within your organization.

How does personal branding impact an organization’s brand and talent acquisition outcomes? When people research a company online, they’re likely to come across the names and LinkedIn profiles of key leaders. As a business leader, you’re a prominent brand ambassador and play an influential role in helping individuals decide whether to apply for a role. So, think about what makes you unique, who you want to be, and how you want to be perceived by others.

Be intentional with your LinkedIn profile

With more than 900 million users worldwide, LinkedIn is one of top places for business professionals to connect online. This means it’s a great place to grow your personal brand.

Be deliberate about how you present yourself on LinkedIn and regularly maintain your profile. Create conversation by posting content that inspires meaningful engagement with your connections – in the form of articles, photos, videos, and polls. This will also ensure you – and your company – remain visible.

Key aspects of a great LinkedIn profile

Now, let’s explore how to create a great LinkedIn profile. These seven questions will help guide you on the journey:

  1. How do you want to be perceived?
  2. Who does your brand appeal to?
  3. How do you make your audience feel?
  4. Who are you?
  5. What do you do?
  6. What are your five core messages?
  7. Do you have a professional photo?

Your company’s HR and communications teams are also great resources for support. They can provide insight into best practices and if you’re portraying yourself in the best way.

Personal branding should be a priority for every business leader. By maintaining a strong online presence with a good personal brand, you’re shining a positive light on the organization and leaving good impressions on existing and potential talent.

About the expert

Luke Parry

Vice President – Business Development, Cielo

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